Hiv and aids causes symptoms and treatment pdf

This illness, known as primary or acute hiv infection, may last for a few weeks. Learn more about hivaids and their causes, symptoms, and treatments, as well as important risk prevention methods to stay healthy. Hiv remains a serious retrovirus, but treatment options have greatly improved. With an early diagnosis, effective treatment is possible. Hivaids health related issues for adults, adolescents and children, including antiretroviral treatment, the management of opportunistic infections, tuberculosis, hepatitis, injecting drug use, sexual and reproductive health, the prevention of mothertochild hiv transmission, immunizations, palliative care and postexposure prophylaxis. When treated with proper medication, hiv will not progress to aids. You can tell if people have hiv or aids by looking at them.

Hiv is a virus that attacks the immune system and increases the risk of other infections. Aida or acquired immune deficiency syndrome is the more advanced stage of infection. Hiv is a lifelong condition, and without treatment, a person with hiv can develop aids, which makes the immune system too weak to fight off disease. Once hiv infection develops into aids, infections and cancer pose a greater risk. Human immunodeficiency virus, or hiv, is a virus that is transmitted by contact with body fluids of an infected person. Hivaids treatment and care world health organization. Hiv, the virus that causes aids, damages your immune system, so you cant fight infections and some cancers well. Get the facts on the symptoms and signs of hiv and aids, find out how the virus that causes hiv infection spreads, and read about diagnosis, treatment, statistics, and prevention. When a pregnant woman has hiv, the baby always gets it, too. Without treatment, hiv infection is likely to develop into aids as the immune system gradually wears down. Most people infected by hiv develop a flulike illness within a month or two after the virus enters the body. Not all children with hiv will have symptoms, and those that do wont have exactly the same ones. Hiv causes, symptoms, tests, treatment fpa most people with hiv, who are taking treatment, will not go on to develop aids. When hiv develops into aids, a persons immune system can be overwhelmed.

But with the right combination of drugs and loving support, kids with hiv can grow. Hiv encephalopathy is a serious complication of hiv that usually develops when hiv progresses to aids. Without treatment, hiv infection is likely to develop into aids. It weakens your immune system, so your body has a hard time fighting off common germs, viruses, fungi, and other invaders. While there is no cure for the disease, there are medications that slow down its progression. It spreads mainly through unprotected sexual contact and sharing needles. Educate yourself about the risks, symptoms, and therapies available today. In addition, women with hiv are at increased risk of. The hiv virus weakens the bodys immune system, making it more difficult to fight infections and cancer. Aids stands for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome a disease where the bodys cellular immunity is severely damaged and thus lowers your resistance to infection andor malignancy.

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